On 4th of September 2021, International Community Organisation of Sunderland (ICOS) with the support from our amazing volunteers, organised a ‘family end of summer picnic and clean up’ at Backhouse Park. The event was supported by East Rangers Project (funded by Sunderland City Council).
The organisation of the event was a team effort, with ICOS women’s group volunteers preparing delightful, traditional dishes including bigos, goulash, sausages, roast potatoes, burgers and delicious vegetarian options and beautifully baked cakes, pancakes and wafers. ICOS sports volunteers have prepared sports games and competitions for children, who all received sweet treats for their participation. All the food and refreshments have been sponsored by FoodLand Shops (foodlandshops.uk), Kopernik Polish Shop (www.kopernik.uk) and Dana’s Family Bakery who have donated delicious food, ingredients, refreshments and treats for children at the event. It is a pleasure to have such amazing support from our community!
The event was full of fun activities for children to take part in, in our creative tent we had an arts and crafts workshop including poster making delivered by our volunteer, upcycling workshop delivered by Groundwork creating fun toys from upcycled materials. Children also had the opportunity to get their hair coloured with chalk and get glitter tattoos which was extremely fun and exciting! On the football field we have welcomed Armageddon Fit (www.armageddonfit.co.uk) who have delivered an incredible kickboxing workshop for children.
During the event we had an ICOS stand where you could find out more about our services and support but also where everyone could purchase lottery tickets and buy toys, games and clothes at our small charity shop sale. From raffle tickets, donations and shop sale ICOS has fundraised a total of £230 during the event so we would like to thank everyone for their donations and contributions! Our lottery prizes have been sponsored by Experience Days, Greggs, Kopernik, Foodland and English 4 Poles. A massive Thank you to all of our sponsors!
A special thank you to everyone who has organised, volunteered and sponsored the event, we couldn’t do it without you! Also a big thank you to everyone who came along, participated in our activities and who were involved in the park clean up! We are delighted to receive such positive feedback from everyone who has attended the event and it was a pleasure to see everyone enjoying themselves.

All the photos from the picnic have been taken by Kondzio Fotografia, thank you for your contribution!