Between April 2019 and April 2020, our successes include:
-supporting 35 clients into work
-supporting 40 clients into accessing level 1 and level 2 training
-supporting 15 clients to volunteer on a regular basis (another 10 were irregular volunteers) -supporting at least 25 clients to improve their wellbeing
Since the start of the COVID19 pandemic in March 2020:
-numerous clients have been supported through emergency support, including mobile top-ups, food vouchers and gas and electricity top-ups
-over 100 clients have received advice and support to access housing, benefits and other services
Since its inception in June 2019, the Back in Control project:
-supporting victims of modern slavery and workplace exploitation, run by ICOS has supported a total of 49 clients. Out of the 15 clients who have left the programme, 11 reported having a better financial situation and 14 having greater control over their life.
More information:
We have also worked with the Sunderland Council and the National Trust to commemorate the victims and survivors of modern slavery on 18 October, you can read the full report at sunderlandecho/news/sunderland-landmarks-be-lit-white-uk-anti-slavery-day
More information about our current and past projects and case studies are available at icos.