Please download to read here: A Joint Submission to the open consultation on ethnic disparities and inequality in the UK to the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities. This submission is produced by the following organisations. The name, role, and contact details for each organisation is included at the end of the submission.

– Just Fair

– Latin American Women’s Rights Service (LAWRS)

– Praxis

– Safety4Sisters

– The International Community Organisation of Sunderland (ICOS)

– The Haref Network

We respond to the following questions:

  • What could be done to improve representation, retention and progression opportunities for people of different ethnic backgrounds in public sector workforces (for example, in education, healthcare or policing)? [Question 2]
  • How can the ways young people (in particular those aged 16 to 24 years) find out about and access education, training and employment opportunities be improved? [Question 5]
  • Which inequalities in health outcomes of people in different racial and ethnic groups are not (wholly) explained by inequalities in underlying determinants of health (for example, education, occupation or income)? [Question 6]
  • How could inequalities in the health outcomes of people in different ethnic groups be addressed by government, public bodies, the private sector, and communities? [Question 7]
  • Can you suggest other ways in which racial and ethnic disparities in the UK could be addressed? In particular, is there evidence of where specific initiatives or interventions have resulted in positive outcomes? Are there any measures which have been counterproductive and why? [Question 10]
The open consultation on ethnic disparities and inequality in the UK