Ref: Trustee vacancy

The Sunderland Black and Minority Ethnic Network Limited (SBMEN) is an organisation which brings the BME sector in Sunderland together and amplifies the voice of the BME community in Sunderland. SBMEN has provided a platform for collaboration and cooperation between BME organisations since 2007 and seeks to empower BME communities by bringing them together, securing resources for BME VCS to continue and expand their work.

We are currently only looking for female trustees to ensure gender diversity on our board.

Additionally, it is a constitutional requirement that our board members (trustees) are nominated by a member organisation which is a full member and is not a suspended organisation.

SBMEN’s trustees are responsible for providing governance and directing the organisation towards achieving its mission. We are currently seeking enthusiastic female candidates with a strong commitment to our values and aims who can demonstrate their contribution as trustees to join our board; we are looking for female individuals with various backgrounds, skills and experience to fill vacancies on the Trustee Board. Experience including project management, finance, evaluation and engagement would be valuable. A track record of making a valuable contribution to the BME Community of Sunderland, a commitment to equality and diversity and teamwork skills are crucial.

Some of the projects we currently run; Coastal Communities Fund (November 2019-March 2021) we are working with Sunderland Culture, Sunderland Council and delivery partners on a programme of activities to identify and support existing and potential entrepreneurs from the creative sector to help them to grow and develop. SBMEN’s activities within the project include mapping, individual support and training. Since 2015, we have run the annual “BME One Voice Awards”, which celebrate the contribution of the BME community to Sunderland in areas such as Health, Volunteering, Environment, Young role model and many others. They also provide recognition for non-BME individuals and organisations that have supported the BME community in Sunderland.

Some of our past projects include: “Healthy Steps” October 2017- March 2019 (funded by Sunderland City Council), which was run in partnership with member organisations- YAV, ICOS and SBIC. Healthy Steps provided support to 500 people improving the health and wellbeing of BME communities in the East Area of Sunderland through community events, volunteering opportunities and one-to-one advice. Between 2013-2017 SBMEN was the Lead Accountable Body overseeing the development and running of the £1 million “Sustainable Sunderland Programme” (SSP). Sustainable Sunderland was funded by the Big Lottery Fund through the Communities Living Sustainably scheme and supported communities in four deprived Sunderland wards to reduce their carbon footprint while adapting to effects of climate change.

Yours sincerely,

Michal Chantkowski, Secretary to the Board of Trustees

To apply, please send your CV and a short covering letter to: before 02/07/2020

Please also include details for two referees who could be contacted with regards to your suitability for the role.

SBMEN Trustee vacancy – apply by 02/07/2020