The Project was reported on by the Sunderland Echo on 18th September 2019, see:  Sunderland Echo Back in Control

Suffering from workplace exploitation? We can help!
Unsure what modern slavery is? We can explain!

In June this year, ICOS started a project named “Back in Control” in order to identify instances of modern slavery and workplace exploitation in the Sunderland area and empower former victims to regain control of their lives. We also raise awareness of modern slavery and workplace exploitation among local organisations through seminars and outreach initiatives.

The project aims to:

  • Identify victims of modern-day slavery and take appropriate steps to end exploitative situations.
  • Individually support former victims of modern-day slavery, enabling them to become resilient and regain control of their lives.
  •  Provide former victims with improved access to employment opportunities.
  •  Improve the financial prospects for former victims.
  • Provide local organisations with the tools and knowledge to recognise workplace exploitation and modern slavery.
  •  Recruit and train new volunteers.

For more information see: BACK-IN-CONTROL

The poster of “Back in Control” in Iranian