Suffering from workplace exploitation?  We can help!
Not knowing modern slavery? We can offer!

We have started a project named “Back in Control” in June this year to help people who suffer from modern slavery and we also would like to support organisations through raising awareness about the issue of modern slavery and workplace exploitation.

Aims of the project:

  • Supporting victims of modern-day slavery, domestic violence and discrimination. Ensuring that the people who suffer from exploitation will have an increasing role in driving this project and become resilient and regain control of their lives.
  •  Providing victims with improved access to employment.
  •  Helping victims to regain control of their lives.
  •  Improving financial prospects for victims.
  •  Equipping local organisations with recognising of workplace exploitation and slavery.
  •  Recruiting and training new volunteers.

You can read more information about the project via BACK-IN-CONTROL

Back in Control Poster in the Lithuanian Language