UK Anti Slavery Day 

Slavery still exists. As we speak, an average of 1 in 200 people in the world are victims of modern slavery, deprived of freedom and exploited for their labour, forced into prostitution or domestic servitude. In the UK, there has been a 17% increase in victims since 2015. Every day, victims are rescued from modern slavery and their difficult journey to rebuild their lives begins.

ICOS (International Community Organisation of Sunderland) supports them in that journey through the Back in Control programme, which provides needs-tailored and intensive support for victims, enabling them to access housing, financial support and legal employment. The UK Anti-Slavery day takes place on 18 October every year.

To commemorate victims of modern slavery and celebrate the journey of the survivors, ICOS is organising a series of events and activities. ICOS would like you to join us and take part in two events on Monday, 19/10/2020, which will be an opportunity to learn about modern slavery and the achievements of the Back in Control programme, network and get involved in supporting victims and survivors:

10 am – 12 pm Brief Modern Slavery Awareness Raising Session

1 pm – 3 pm Celebration of the Achievements of the Back in Control project

To take part, please contact Alessia Di Meo at or 07396 688 472 (10 am – 3 pm, Monday to Thursday, please leave a voicemail or send a text outside those hours).

Additionally, on Sunday, 18/10/2020 at 6 pm, there will be illuminations of the key locations in Sunderland managed by Sunderland City Council and National Trust to commemorate victims and survivors of modern slavery at the following locations:

• Keel Square
• Northern Spire
• Fulwell Mill
• The Lighthouse (Cliffe Park)
• Penshaw Monument

The Back in Control project is funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.
More information about ICOS and the project can be found at
ICOS (International Community Organisation of Sunderland) is a registered charity in England and Wales, Reg. No: 1186618


UK Anti Slavery Day