RCTN is running three support groups in Autumn 2019Our groups are open to women aged 16+ who live, work or study in Tyneside and Northumberland

and have experienced sexual violence at any time in their lives.Please see  information below about the groups and how to access them
3rd Oct – 21st Nov 2019 (Thurs 5.30-7.30pm)

Improve your confidence, learn digital skills and create anonymous messages for other women about your journey and support you have accessed

Participants will create a digital story using photography, scriptwriting and recording, to explore identity and life stories.

The stories will be led by each woman – nobody will be asked to talk about anything they do not wish to

Nov-Dec 2019 (2hr weekly sessions, day and time tbc)

Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland and Mindful Therapies have developed a specialist mindfulness course for women survivors of sexual violence.
If you would like to learn and practice mindfulness in a safe, trauma-sensitive, women-only space, this 6-week course may be for you

16th Oct – 4th Dec 2019 (Weds 5.30-8.30pm)

This group offers you the opportunity to meet other women who have experienced sexual violence in a safe, supportive space so that you can:

  • Explore how society’s attitudes towards sexual violence have affected you
  • Learn and practise positive coping strategies
  • Identify and develop positive future goals and steps towards these
  • Increase your peer support network

For further information about our groups or to join a group, please call 0191 2220272 during office hours or write to enquiries@rctn.org.uk

Our Group Worker will contact each woman who gets in touch and invite her to a 1-1 meeting

This is so women can decide whether the group is the right service before joining

Support Groups for Rape Crisis Tyneside and Northumberland