Asperger’s syndrome is a very complex and heterogeneous disorder. It is difficult to diagnose and
often remains undetected for life. Many sources describe the problem of autism spectrum disorders
in children. Far fewer publications deal with AS in older people. AS in adults is characterised by the
fact that a person undiagnosed in childhood lives without the tools to protect themselves from the
pitfalls in the neurotypical world. In many cases, this leads to frustration due to misunderstanding
and inadequate reactions from society to the actions of such a person. People with AS are often
distinguished by behaviour, interests, worldview or appearance that are considered strange or
eccentric in the neurotypical world. Asperger’s are also good observers, so they can see that the
reactions of those around them are often not fair or appropriate to their good intentions. The
philosophy that if I don't hurt others, then others shouldn’t hurt me is not always effective and such
people often become victims of bullying and abuse from classmates, neighbourhood or work.
All this leads to the development of a mind that is susceptible to problems that can be dealt with
effectively in time. The situation changes when these problems are recognised at the right moment.
A person who is self-aware and has a basic knowledge of psychology or is in contact with a specialist
is able to deal with many such problems before they become a major burden in life. Often, people
with AS are previously treated for one or more of these problems. However, this is usually to deal
with the symptoms rather than the cause of the problems. Each of these problems can manifest in
different ways in different people. Below are some of the most common problems with a summary
description. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and that some of these disorders may require
specialist help including drug treatment.
1. Depression – is considered the disease of humanity in the 21st century. Studies say that
more than half of autistic adults have, have had or will have episodes of depression. In
addition, there is a noticeable tendency for depression to occur in this group of people with
above-average IQ.
It is important to remember that depression is a fatal illness and cannot be underestimated.
Depression does not go away on its own, and trying to be cheerful and hide its symptoms can
worsen the condition. A person who suspects depression in themselves should see a specialist and
receive appropriate treatment, which usually has good results. Suicidal thoughts or thoughts of self-
harm can be a particularly alarming symptom of depression. THESE SYMPTOMS CANNOT BE
IGNORED! Write to us if you do not know where to go and how to deal with this problem.
2. Alcoholism and addictions to other stimulants – It is often the case that people with high
levels of stress in their lives find that alcohol provides them with relief. However, this is a
very bad solution. Not only is alcohol one of the more powerful depressants, but it also leads
to the exacerbation of many problems and leads to addiction. Again, the help of a specialist
in treating this disease is essential. Alcoholism is also a disease linked to the regulation of
emotional life.
Without psychotherapy, the alcoholic may stop drinking, but will most likely find another neurosis,
another addiction to regulate his emotions. This could be sex, work or even intrusive behaviour.
The desire to cure alcoholism on one's own comes from shame and reluctance to tell anyone about
one's problem. However, it is worth breaking through. The willingness to recover from alcoholism on
one's own shows a very strong motivation to change, and it is with such motivation and
determination that one can succeed. Such an opportunity should not be missed – it is better to go to
an addiction specialist for help and to start treatment with greater confidence of success.

3. Social phobia – A phobia is an extreme point on the anxiety scale. It is diagnosed when the
fear is persistent, disproportionate to the threat, paralysing and incapacitating. Sufferers
experience agony every time they have to go out to get groceries, talk to a stranger, deal
with something at the office or take a bus. A phobia can and should be treated effectively. If
the phobia has taken a form that prevents one from functioning properly, a cognitive
behavioural therapist comes to the rescue to teach how to correct incorrect behaviour
patterns and to make life more comfortable. In addition, medication is also available to
alleviate anxiety.
4. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) – These are recurrent intrusive thoughts or imaginings
that are out of control and characterised by intensity and persistence, capable of interfering
with the sufferer's plans, ideas, and dreams, appearing suddenly and refusing to subside
despite willpower efforts. Activities that, without knowing why, he performs repetitively and
chronically, are often extended to a whole series of ritualistic behaviours. When the patient
abandons them, he feels fear and anxiety. In order to avoid this, he persists in performing
them, despite the disapproval of those close to him or those around him.
5. Bipolar disorder – Its main feature is the occurrence of episodes of depression, mania,
hypomania or mixed episodes. In between these periods, there are periods of remission. It is
an illness so severe that it is characterised by a partial or complete inability to perform
gainful employment. It usually begins at a young age. It is very difficult to diagnose. The
course and prognosis depend mainly on early detection.
Other selected disorders that may present with Asperger’s Syndrome:
Dysgraphia, dyslexia, dysorthography etc.
Prosopagnosia (face blindness)
Anxiety disorders
Tourette's syndrome
Endocrine Disorders
Fragile X Syndrome

How to tame Asperger’s? Diseases to which a person with AS is particularly vulnerable.

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