Your personal contribution can be made online at any time

We supported a total of 80 people with employability
including support with CV’s, job applications, registering with agencies, job searching websites, interview preparation and 48 people have successfully found employment or self-employment. We have also supported a total of 66 people with accessing training and courses (including ESOL, food hygiene courses, digital courses and functional skills).
At total of 49 people have accessed benefits

including Universal Credit applications, Personal Independence Payment, ESA, council tax support, Maternity Allowance, Pension Credit and Child Benefit. Numerous cases remain open at the time of writing.

A total of 112 clients received general advice and support.

E.g., with school or GP registration, translation of documents.

As a result of our advice:
A total of 201 people have reported improved wellbeing A total of 38 clients have reported improved housing situation A total of 66 clients have reported improved confidence At total of 40 clients have been supported to apply for the EU Settlement Scheme
We supported a total of 480 people through one to one advice and advocacy
Through the East Rangers project

ICOS engaged a total of 224 adults and 235 children as volunteers = 459 removed over 4000 kilograms of rubbish. This was achieved through delivering 72 events, including clean ups, training sessions and educational workshops.

A Total of 49 people volunteered on a regular basis across all projects

Upcoming Events

Information on upcoming and past events

March 2025

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Saturday March 1
Sunday March 2
Monday March 3
Tuesday March 4
Wednesday March 5
Thursday March 6
Friday March 7
Saturday March 8
Sunday March 9
Monday March 10
Tuesday March 11
Wednesday March 12
Thursday March 13
Friday March 14
Saturday March 15
Sunday March 16
Monday March 17
  • 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Backhouse Park - activity open to all. Litter pick and some gardening.
    9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
    Backhouse Park - activity open to all. Litter pick and some gardening.
    Recurs weekly
Tuesday March 18
Wednesday March 19
Thursday March 20
Friday March 21
Saturday March 22
Sunday March 23
Monday March 24
  • 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Backhouse Park - activity open to all. Litter pick and some gardening.
    9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
    Backhouse Park - activity open to all. Litter pick and some gardening.
    Recurs weekly
Tuesday March 25
Wednesday March 26
Thursday March 27
Friday March 28
Saturday March 29
Sunday March 30
Monday March 31
  • 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM Backhouse Park - activity open to all. Litter pick and some gardening.
    9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
    Backhouse Park - activity open to all. Litter pick and some gardening.
    Recurs weekly


What are our clients are saying about us?

“ICOS has helped me a lot, I have got help with English language classes with Monika and she is
an amazing teacher and helped to improve my language. I could not speak any English the first
time I came to ICOS and now I can speak and I understand much more, I can communicate. ICOS
has helped me with my CV and translation of certificates and a statement of comparability from

“I got a lot of help from ICOS, you provided me with financial advice, help with benefits, bus
tickets to work, employment support, CV, food safety course and English language classes.”

“Because of all this help, I am now starting accounting Level 1 at Gateshead College and can
continue to look at accounting jobs when I finish this course and go back to being an accountant.
My English has improved and now I’m ready to study functional skills.”



To arrange a consultation or workshop, send us a message.